
Abortion Themed Movies Hit Sundance Film Festival 2022

Over the decades it’s traditionally common in every single year for Identifying and honoring the best films in the entertainment industry. More recently Sundance film festival became the venue for it.

New movies at the Sundance film festival put a spotlight on abortion and reproductive rights as the Supreme Court decision looms.

Sundance Film Festival 

Is one of the most popular independent film festivals in the United States organized by the non-profit Sundance Institute, founded by Robert Redford in 1981 to encourage New Voices in American storytelling. It consists of various competitive sections of American films and  International independent films,both feature and short films. It takes place every year in the month of January.

This year abortion-themed movies have a special attraction in the sundance film festival. Happening, Call Jane, The jane and midwives are the notable films and documentaries at this film festival this year.

These movies hit the Sundance film festival…

A semi-autobiographical novel called ‘Happening’ explains the author’s experience to get an abortion which is illegal in France in 1963, that insisted Andrew Diwas yo had an abortion after reading the novel for the first time.

Diwan is also from a French that compiled her to feature a film out of this novel.

The film Happening is going to release later in this year stood first in last September at the Venice film festival, this movie focused on reproductive rights and abortion. The selection of audience as their ruling that might indeed overturn Roe.V.Wade to sits before Tribunal.

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And the other movie ‘Call Jane’ starting  Elizabeth bank is a fictionalized drama that focused on the real-life Jane collective. An underground network of Chicago in 1960 that helps Women to get abortions.

THE JANE  is a documentary-based film on the same object as the above-stated movies,  using the footage and interviews to tell the narrative of the hidden group.

Midwives is also a documentary film that tells about out to woman who runs a medical clinic in western Myanmar.

Surprisingly all these movies were directed by women. As female filmmakers are growing rapidly in film industry we could see more movies of this kind says ‘Tony Lewis Lee’      co-director of Aftershock documentary which looked into the investigation of the Maternity mortality crisis and how it varies in black women.

The documentary was hosted by two black women Shamony and Amber Rose who were died after giving birth to children. This documentary speaks about preventive measures of maternal death by mentioning solutions to overcome these issues by creating awareness.

All these dramas illustrated the legal and physical complications of women who obtained illegal abortions.

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