The whole world is infected by the EV transformation. Everyone is trying hard to get a catch on the the EV revolution. President Biden seems to be obsessed with the non polluting alternative power for transportation. The latest target for this Electric Vehicle transformation is the Presidential limo Beast.
The Electric Vehicle Revolution
Since, the beginning of Biden Presidency, the president has shown great interest in electric mobility. In line is the most recognized presidential vehicle the Beast. The vehicle has proved to be fortress on wheels for many US presidents. The beast is the limousine which comes with top-notch safety features. The vehicle is well prepared to deal with emergencies.
But,with this much power there comes the question of what fuels the Beast. The iconic vehicle is still powered by fossil fuel and it definitely is a fuel guzzler. Going with the times, electric the president wants Electric powered Government vehicles. President Joe Biden has taken it upon himself to ensure his Beast gets powered by batteries in the future.

Biden is undoubtedly an automotive enthusiast. He also remains vocal about changing transportation from fossil fuel based to electric based. He earlier argued for vehicles in use by the US government to shift to battery power. His shift for EV has caused more interest in the non polluting alternatives for transportation.
The Beast and Future
It would be interesting to see what happens to get beast electric power. After all it has the job to ferry the most powerful individual in the world. It is unknown as of now what would happen to the iconic beast. Its uncertain if there would be a completely new limousine or the existing limousine would get retrofitted as EV.
Meanwhile, the Cadillac One or the beast weighs more than 9,000 kilograms. The present diesel engine has a meager mileage of just 3 km/L. Finding that much power in a battery pack seems quite daunting. If the adminiatration plans to get it retrofitted they will have to work a lot.
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