
$3000 4th Stimulus Check is COMING with Child Tax Credit, Joe Biden Reassures

While the IRS is currently delivering the third round of stimulus checks, the Americans are already looking forward to the fourth payment. The President of the US revealed that majority of the Americans have received the third stimulus checks, and it has helped a lot in uplifting the economy. An insider claimed that Biden is working on the proposed $2,000 stimulus checks after receiving enough support from the Congress.

Biden assured that the households will receive direct payments starting from this July. The eligible families can receive up to $3000 in the child tax credit. This benefit is also the provision of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, which was signed by the President Biden in March. The authorities confirmed that they are working to launch the portal for the $3,000 child tax credit before the first of July.

Households with children aged between 6 and 17 years can receive the above-mentioned check for each child. If a family has children aged below six years, then they can receive the direct payments up to $3,600 per child in 2021 tax year. To receive the full direct payment, the household should have gross income of less than $75,000. However, most of the families would be still be eligible to receive at least $2,000 per child.

Lawmakers argued that the Americans should receive direct payments until the pandemic doesn’t trouble people

Biden hasn’t publicly mentioned that he supports the fourth stimulus checks. But reports from inside the White House claims that he is looking to a way to provide another stimulus checks. Even if the Biden administration wants to process the fourth direct payments, the Congress would still interrupt the plan. The White House earlier said it is up to the Congress to decide whether to provide the next payments or not.

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Several members from the Congress believes that the next payment is a prominent need for Americans. However, several Republicans in the Congress thinks otherwise. Republicans strongly opposed any more direct payments and claimed that people are discouraged to return to work due to the direct payments. An online petition has already garnered more than 2.15 million signatures, calling for more relief.


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