
All New DC Characters Snyder Introduce in Justice League

I think we have all seen the Zack Snyder version of Justice League and it was full of Surprises. It includes much-unseen footage that was not seen in the original cut of Joss Whedon. It also opened up for many new characters, well not many but a few of them. It was focused to make stand-alone movies on the new characters in the movie.

Snyder Introduce in Justice League

Of course, we were not shown the extended version of the characters but we will talk about the new character Zack Snyder introduced in his movie. So here are 3 characters from the comics, who were supposed to have a stand-alone movie for the DCEU.


Harry Lennix, played the role beautifully. He was not in a larger part of the movies but at least we got a glimpse of him in the movie. He was disguised in the form of Martha Kent, who goes to Lois Lane to check her and also giving her advice to go ahead and live her life and make some change. He was also seen in the last act of the movie after the dream sequence of Bruce Wayne aka The Batman. He appeared before him telling him to call him and he will come when the world needs him.


We did not saw any glimpse of Super girl in the movie. But we all know the pod from the scout ship when the heroes went to bring back Superman. Also when Superman went to his scout ship, we saw a glimpse of a body in a pot, just a glimpse. When earlier I wrote that we did not saw any glimpse, I meant we did not see her in action but Snyder was showing us the stepping stone for these characters in the DCEU.

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We all know that Green Lanterns have been a part of the Justice League for eternity. Although he was not a focus in this cut nor in the original cut, it was a superhero Zack Snyder always wanted to have in Justice League. Although we did not see him in the presence we did have a glimpse of him in the visions of Cyborg.

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