
“Among Us” The Most Trendy Game in The Fall 2020 (A Complete Review)

Among Us, the most trending game after fall guys in the year of 2020. Among Us was released on 15 June 2020 but as every gamer was playing fall guys it came to in name in the mid of September. Its developer company, Innersloth, makes games since 2015 only but many of its games got famous in the year 2020, and Among Us is one of them. It is both presents on PC and Android, on steam, it takes 5 dollars to download this game but on Android, it’s free on App Store. Currently Among Us have more than a hundred million players, judging on its release date it has prevented $ 3.2 million on the app store.

What makes it interesting?

This game is based on the astronaut. This game is simple to understand and play. In this game, you can play with 4 to 10 online friends or local players. After opening, this game gives you three options, first create your lobby, second play local, and third type the code and enter the game. There are two positions in this game: first, crewmate, who is a simple astronaut completing his/ her tasks to win, second, Imposter, a person in the crew whose task is to kill everyone, and win. The person who hosted the game can decide the number of imposters in the game, the maximum limit of imposters is 3.

This game is all about guarding yourself as a crewmate and applying strategies as an imposter. An imposter has also the option to vent to travel from one place to another a minimum time and hide. Nowadays every YouTube gaming channel is playing this game on stream and videos too funny and smart moments, animation channels are creating animations on this game, and other channels to trying to relate this game with there videos to increase views and subscribers.

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