
Fresh off conventions, Trump launches baseless attack on Kamala Harris

Donald Trump is the 45th as well as the current president of the United States. He, before entering politics, was a wealthy businessman and a TV personality. He made profits in millions. Before becoming the US president, Trump changed political affiliations many times and in 2012 he registered himself for presidential speculation.

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At the time of elections, Trump’s opponent was Hillary Clinton. Many people expected that Hilary will become the next president after Obama. But the results changed as many people assumed that, Trump will be a better president as he won’t only go after money and will work hard for the development of the country.

Recently there’s been news of Trump baselessly attacking Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is the United States Senator. She is half Indian and American.

Kamala Harris started her career as an attorney in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office. She was elected as an attorney in San Francisco in 2003 and was again elected as attorney general in California in 2010.

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She in 2016 defeated Loretta Sanchez in the Senate Elections and became the United States Senator. She was recently attacked by Donald Trump because he thought that Kamala Harris was not competent enough to be the Democrats, Vice President nominee.

Donald Trump calls Kamala Harris 'meanest' and 'most horrible' | Metro News

Instead, he thought that her Daughter Ivanka Trump is eligible enough to become the Vice President. At Londonderry, New Hampshire, he said- he would love to see the first woman president but he doesn’t want the first female president to be noncompetent and doing what she is doing just to get that seat.

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He repeated said that- he would suggest his daughter Ivanka to become the eligible candidate for the same. When he attacked Harris, the reporters mainly focused on how the president is kind to women and has worked for Black Americans.

All which he said was not at all true, Trump has a history of making disparaging remarks on African Americans or Black Americans as they are Dumb or stupid. He is not even good to women as he has made some disparaging comments on women as well, like, Arianna Huffington is unattractive both inside and outside.

On Friday while giving a speech, he said that the off-script comments about Harris’s competence was just for his supporters. He baselessly attacked Kamala Harris because he thought that she’s too powerful and has got more support that Joe Biden, her opponent.

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