
Education Abroad: Top 3 Countries

Over the past thirty years, the number of students going to study in another country has increased several times. What makes about four million students leave their country every year?

The benefits are not only obvious, but also confirmed by statistics. 84% of students receive the necessary skills for their future profession, 96% of students feel more confident, and 80% quickly adapt to the workplace. Education abroad is a global trend. And this trend is inextricably linked with the situation on the labor market. So, the most popular direction for studying in another country is business and management. They are followed by engineering, programming, sociology and life sciences. And the efforts are not in vain. Every second employer notes that such experience is an advantage when applying for a job.

The absolute leader in the number of foreign students is the USA – 23% of the total number of students. 35% of students choose European countries. Also in the top countries are Australia, Germany and Canada.

Great Britain

Among European countries, the most popular is studying in the UK. Every fourth student who goes to study in Europe comes here. There is no need to talk about the prestige of British education once again. Take only the fact that in the top ten rankings of the best universities in the world, four places are occupied by universities in the United Kingdom.

True, UK educational institutions are known not only for the quality of education, but also for the high cost of education. Especially undemocratic prices will seem to a foreign student. If a citizen of the Kingdom of the year of study will cost about 9 thousand pounds, then a student from another country – from 15. Another problem may be finding a job after graduation, if the student plans to stay in the country. It is worth thinking about this already during your studies; a good option would be an internship at the enterprise. For example, students at the Higher School of Business in Jersey have the opportunity to complete a paid internship with job prospects. This is an offshore zone of Great Britain in the strait between France and England. Offshore education is gaining popularity and attracts students with a relatively low cost of education. So, a year at the Higher School of Business costs about 12 thousand pounds.

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The cost of studying in the Netherlands is an order of magnitude lower than in the UK. However, for a student from the CIS countries, it may turn out to be a bit high. On average, a year of study in a bachelor’s program costs 6-15 thousand euros, in a master’s program – from 8-20 thousand. But it’s worth it: Dutch universities are constantly getting into the rankings of the best educational institutions: for example, there were as many as 13 Dutch universities in the QS world ranking. In total: the popularity of education in the Netherlands is growing, and in 2021 about 100,000 students were foreigners. Many cover part of the cost of training with grants. There are a lot of them provided here, and some of them are paid before graduation. It is worth allocating time not only to find funding opportunities, but also to improve the level of English. Applicants must speak it at the level of 6.5-7.0 IELTS. In addition, 94% of the country’s citizens speak excellent English.

The most popular areas among foreign students are engineering and business specialties. In these areas among European countries, the Netherlands offers the widest selection of English-language programs. Fontys University is in high demand for programming and engineering courses.


If your level of German language is not lower than B2-C1, then you have every chance to get a free education in Germany. Most programs at public universities, especially if they are in German, are free – that’s the law. And foreigners are happy to use it. In 2021, students from other countries made up 14% of the total enrollment. Many go to Germany for medical education – if in other countries it is inaccessible, then in Germany foreigners are only encouraged to obtain a doctor’s diploma. The profession is incredibly in demand, the salary after graduation is an order of magnitude higher than that of graduates of other specialties. But there is a catastrophic shortage of personnel. Residents of rural areas are especially affected by the shortage of doctors. The prospects for a young doctor with a German diploma are good, the chances of finding a job are high not only in Germany, but throughout the European Union, where such a diploma is recognized.

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Medical universities in Germany accept applicants on a competitive basis, regardless of the applicant’s country of origin. But since in Germany there is a 12-year school education, then applicants from Russia must unlearn the twelfth year at a school or college. You can also enter a university in your native country and study there for 1-2 years and after that enter Germany. Proficiency in German at level B2 is required – students take an exam at the university or provide a certificate. Some universities require you to pass an exam in knowledge of chemistry, biology and the basics of medicine. The training lasts six years – three years are devoted to the study of theoretical aspects and three years to practice. The future doctor spends another year in internship.

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