
Tom Cruise Height Controversy: Tom Cruise Shammed for his Height by Fans

Thomas cruise or Tom cruise was born in July 1962. He is an American actor and producer. He has received many awards for his amazing works which include the golden globe awards and also he was nominated 3 times for academy awards. But Tom Cruise Height became an issue it shocked everyone.

People making fun of Tom Cruise Height

It is very ridiculous to make fun of someone’s height. The apparent height of Tom Cruise is 5 feet and 7 inches.

Here I am mentioning apparent height because the actor has spent his entire career trying to make his true height as unapparent as possible. He has used many tricks to look tall and fool the public in movie scenes and photos. To look taller he uses smoke and mirrors, and heeled shoes.

Tom Cruise Height Controversy: People are Making 'Fun' of Tom Cruise and Here's Why

During the 1980s the height of Tom was actually referred to as 5 feet and 8 inches or sometimes in some places it was mentioned as 5 feet and 9 inches. An actress had once mentioned that while filming she was in really flat shoes and even in the flat shoes she was much taller than the actor.

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But Tom has a problem with actors who are taller than him. Most of the time he denies working with actresses who are taller or the same as Tom Cruise Height. For all his life in film, career Cruise has created a fictional height for himself.

It is not at all okay to make fun of someone’s height

But this is very sad. The height of a person cannot justify his or her qualities and potential. All heights are great. It is a gift of nature and we can’t do anything about it. All height should be embraced because it is glorious the way it is.

Tom Cruise Height Controversy: People are Making 'Fun' of Tom Cruise and Here's Why

In relative terms, he can be considered shorter than other action superheroes. He is also an action movie star. In comparison to other heroes, he is shorter than them.

Many actors like Alan Ladd who is Five feet and six inches only, Jack Black is 5 feet and 6 inches tall, and Dustin Hoffman is 5 feet and 6 inches only. Height is just a relative term. He can be considered taller to some and shorter than some actors.

Is Tom Cruise Short?

Tom Cruise Height Controversy: People are Making 'Fun' of Tom Cruise and Here's Why

Now when you think about it and ask yourself the question, Is Tom Cruise actually short? So the average American male height is 175cm or 5 feet 9 inches. And Tom Cruise is 5′ 7″ so considering that Tom Cruise is shorter than an average American male, Yes Tom Cruise is Short. But we don’t think that has ever bothered him.

The most prominent example is his dating preference. Tom Cruise has mostly dated women taller than him. If he were conscious of his height he wouldn’t have dated women taller than him. But that being said, Tom Cruise Height is not a scale of how good of an actor he is which is evident by the success of his films.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tom Cruise Height

Is Tom Cruise Really 5 4?

No, Tom Cruise Height is actually 5 7 not 5 4. Despite Tom Cruise’s height being average for an American, he is constantly mocked for his height by his haters.

Is Tom Cruise a Short Guy?

If we consider the height of an average american male which is 5 feet 9 inches, Tom Cruise height is just 2 inches short, which is just below average. However in most of his movies, he tries to potray himself taller than his co-stars, who for most of the times are actually taller than him like Cameron Diaz, who is 5’9,” and Nicole Kidman, who is 5’11.”

What Disease Does Tom Cruise Have?

This is not widely known by Tom Cruise suffered from a severe case of dyslexia. He was diagnosed at the age of seven and he spent a majority of his life trying to hide his dyslexia from his peers. Tom Cruise has described his younger self as a “functional illiterate”.

Is Tom Cruise Sensitive About His Height?

Although he never shows this to anyone, when you consider the types of desicision he takes in reel life and real life, one might say Tom Cruise is sensitive about his height. He known to make himself look taller than his co-stars in movies who are actually taller than him using various camera tricks.

He also opened about this subject when he was heavily criticised for his role in Jack Reacher which he played the titular character based on Lee Child’s novel of the same name. Jack Reacher is  desicribed in the books as “extremely tall, extremely broad, long-armed, and long-legged.” And therefore when it was revealed that Tom Cruise is going to be the protagnist, he was heavily shunned by haters and fans of the book.

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What is Tom Cruise’s actual height?

Despite being many rumors about Tom Cruise Height being 5 feet 4 inches or 5 feet 3 inches, Tom Cruise’s acutally height in 5 feet 7 inches.

Is Tom Cruise Self Conscious About His Height?

Sadly yes, Tom Cruise is very self conscious about his height. He has been caught on numerous ocassion wearing shoe lifts. These are inserts that one places inside their foot wear to appear taller than normal

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