
Trivia Quest: New Daily Quiz Series Coming in April on Netflix

This summer Netflix has set ready to come with new web series and interactive shows. Black Mirror, Kimmy Schmidt, and more interactive series are streaming also on this platform. This platform has now introduced “Trivia Quest,” a new interactive daily trivia program based on the popular Trivia Crack internet game.

Trivia Quest: Release Date

Netflix has made an official announcement about  Trivia quest release. Netflix said that  Trivia is going to be released on April 1st, 2022. Sunday Sauce Productions’ Daniel Calin and Vin Rubino created the show. Meanwhile, check out Trivia quest trailer below and enjoy.

Trivia Quest is a new quiz show that will test the audience knowledge in various fields like science, culture technology, and much more. And this OTT  also announced that all the questions were prepared in an objective format that include options.

To create it even more entertaining, each time you respond, you be able to assist an animated character named Willy in rescuing his family from Evil Rocky, the villain in the show. The convicts will gradually be released as the viewers go through the tiers. If you get the wrong answers in the first time, you are availed always to try again.

Despite the fact that the concept appears to be somewhat childish, the trailer indicates that the show will have both “normal” as well as “challenging” questions to keep gamers entertained.

Trivia Quest: Release Date

Starting April 1, the series will release 30 episodes on a one-episode-per-day basis. Each episode will be filled with a total of 24 questions, 12 of which will be standard and the rest of the questions remain difficult. The series will appeal to audiences of all ages, yet it is geared toward adolescents on some levels.

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The questions shall be drawn from a variety of topics and categories, like entertainment, civics, science, history, society, sports, geography, and others. As a result, the show is likely to be more of a puzzle than a cakewalk.

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