
Amidst the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, USA And Iran Gets Closer to Inking a Nuclear Deal

USA and Iran gets closer to inking a nuclear deal: As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, USA and Iran are continuing their negotiations on the Nuclear Deal. The  USA pulled out of this deal in 2018.

This happened under the leadership of the former President of the USA, Donald Trump. Reinstating that agreement has been one of the primary priorities of the Biden government ever since it assumed office. Readout this article to know more about this nuclear deal and it’s implications.

What is This Nuclear Deal?

In 2015, under the Obama Administration, USA signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or the JCPOA. This agreement involved Iran stopping the production of nuclear weapons in return for the USA repealing the sanctions imposed on Iran.

A key reason why the Trump administration pulled the United States out of this agreement was that the USA had a green to eventually withdraw some of the restrictions imposed on Iran under this agreement for on producing weapons.

Those opposing the agreement were afraid that this would give Iran an opportunity to develop arms. However, the Biden administration feels that the Iran threat would become worse if Iran develops a nuclear weapon and not some other ordinary weapon. A recent attack by Iran on Iraq with a missile that also wreaked damage to a USA consulate compound, gave those against this bill further arguments against it.

In response, the State Department has said, “What it underscores for us is the fact that Iran poses a threat to our allies, to our partners, in some cases to the United States, across a range of realms. The most urgent challenge we would face is a nuclear-armed Iran or an Iran that was on the very precipice of obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

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Key Issues Regarding The Finalization of The Deal

Though the nuclear deal is close to being finalised, there are still some key issues that remain unresolved. Both sides have recognized the need to urgently finalize the deal.

In this regard, the State Department has said, “We are close to a possible deal, but we’re not there yet. We are going to find out in the near term whether we’re able to get there.”

For more updates, stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review.

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