
Painter of the Night Chapter 77: Release Date and Read Manga Online

Painter of the Night Chapter 77 is releasing on August 27, 2021. Fans are eagerly waiting for the next chapter. We await!

Painter of the Night Chapter 77 Spoiler

As for corrupting the artist of the night webtoon chapter 77, the author releases nothing. Since the third season is not coming anytime soon, the author may review it a few days before the official release of the chapter.

What happened in the previous chapter explained

The 76th chapter Painter of the night begins with the villagers looking for No-Name. Just then, Yoon Seungho arrives and people bow down. Seungho sees Na-Kyum shivering on the floor. Na-Kyum thought it was someone else and told them to release her. And Seungho told him it was him and he was relieved and kissed her. At the same time, No-Name, Lee Jihwa, and Min meet at the store. They discuss what to do.

In the next scene, we saw Na-Kyum sitting on King Seungho’s lap while Seungho tried to calm him down. Seungho sees that some people are more interested in certain types of music than ever before. The last and second chapters end with Na-Kyum relaxing listening to music while on Seungho’s lap.

Painter of the Night Chapter 77

Painter of the Night Chapter 77: Release Date

Painter of the Night is one of the most popular manhwa, released for the first time in June 2019. The series gained great popularity among the games in just a few Chapters and has now found a new Chapter. Yes! Chapter 77 has finally been released, and a few chapters have been released in Painter Of The Night Chapter 77. When does the next chapter, Chapter 77, come out? Yes, the release date for Painter Of The Night Chapter 77 is expected to be August 27, 2021.

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Painter of the Night Chapter 77

Where to watch 

Painter of the night webtoon is available to read on Lezhin comics. You need to unlock some chapters with coins as they are locked.

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