
Mass Effect 3: Aboard The Dreadnought

Mass Effect 3 is designed to gain galactic power and reorganize allies. When most races in the galaxy joined Commander Shepard to help stop the Reapers.

When the artificial race was seriously threatened by its creator, they accepted the help of the god of death, and now send a destructive signal of the god of death from the battleship Geth.

Mass Effect 3 Updates

This created a destructive signal for Shepard to shut down the Reapers so that Sitarizola could survive the ME2 committee. At the beginning of the mission, Shepard tried to board the battleship. He had to pass through the anchor pipe to enter the battleship. There would be no real threat or battle. When he reached the hatch, he could not leave the anchor pipe.

There was no anchor pipe. He was interrupted and removed from the battleship. Move away, forcing Shepard to find another entrance to accommodate his teammates. Move down and turn left. You may notice a suffocation-sensitive part.

Please wait a moment before using the doubling method and moving to the right to the upward stairs. Go up the stairs to the guest room on the right.  However, when a minefield unit disappears unknowingly, the team will retreat to reduce the explosion changes and minimize damage.


The area was flooded by Geth, along with hunters and soldiers. Fight with them, and when they are destroyed, develop geth lore with 250 credits and an additional SMG range. Tully analyzed the information consoles in the middle but realized they needed to be banned. She plans to build a ship that she thinks has a chimney. This will open the service tube, where you can access the drive. The core turns it off.

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Mass Effect 3: Aboard The Dreadnought

Opening the pit will cause more geth enemies. Wherever you notice the left pit opened by Tully, fight your gratitude at the back of that area. Go through the door and down the stairs left. Shepard’s defenses are disabled by the magnetic pulse of most batteries and can cause damage unless placed in an overly enclosed hood.

The heartbeat is usually expected, because every time a battleship fires, it will make a sound. There will be several geth hunters and soldiers in the area. When the main geth team is destroyed by two waves, go to the service door on the left.

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