
Vinland Saga Chapter 185: Release Date, and Read Manga Online

Are you a regular reader of Vinland Saga? If your answer is yes then I know now you are eagerly waiting for chapter 185. So, that’s why here we come with the all-news regarding this manga.

Vinland Saga is basically a Japanese manga series which is first released in Japan in the Japanese language. But after getting popular the franchise also release it in different languages as a translated form. So, if you are interested to know more about it then go through this article till the end. After reading the whole one I hope you get all the information regarding the upcoming chapter. But before going to that let’s quickly talk about the Vinland Saga manga.

Vinland Saga Chapter 185: Release Date, and Read Manga Online

About Vinland Saga manga

Vinland Saga is basically a Japanese manga series which is written by Makoto Yukimura. The manga is based on historical fiction and adventure fiction. But the unique storyline is the main key that leads this manga towards a grand success. The manga is published by Kodansha in the local language and Kodansha USA worked as an English publisher of this series.

The main character of the manga is Thors Snorresson who is an Ex Viking commander. He deserted a sea battle fifteen years ago and now he lives in Iceland with his wife. The name of his wife is Helga and they are together live a happy life in Iceland. In 1002 their son goes to explore the Vinland and from here the original story of the series begins.

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Till now the manga series released 24 volumes from July 2021. And now, we are waiting for chapter 185.

Release Date of Vinland Saga chapter 185

As we see, all the chapters or episodes released by this franchise are either on the 24th or 25th day of the month. And this chapter is also going to release on 25th July 2021.

Vinland Saga Chapter 185: Release Date, and Read Manga Online

Where to read online?

The manga is officially released on the Kodansha USA platform. So, from here you can buy it and read it.

But soon you can read it from the  InkyPen Nintendo Switch platform.

So, that’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for the latest update.

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