
Sputnik v’s Delta Variant Efficacy is still UNCERTAIN

The main purpose of vaccines is to protect us from fatal diseases and to put use, also to activate our immune system to keep us away from various diseases. Sputnik v was the first vaccine approved by WHO in August 2020, so scientists argue that it has shown positive results against variants that were identified and now for the new variant too.

Gamaleya Research center

Sputnik v vaccine was developed in Gamaleya Research center located in Russia. The idea of producing vaccines by viral vectors was originally by Alexander Ginsberg and his team. By the time of the second phase, the vaccine was already in use but people wanted to make sure that the vaccine is safe so, people accepted it only when research centers have revealed how it was manufactured.

Sputnik v's Delta Variant Efficacy is still UNCERTAIN

Sputnik V

Sputnik v is a two-component vaccine, the first dose is composed of adenovirus serotype 26 and the second dose is of adenovirus serotype 5, and it was revealed that the gene of SARS-COV2 spike protein was also included.

So, basically, Sputnik v is two important viral vectors of Adenovirus serotype 26 and 5 manufactured with HEK293 present in the primary embryonic human kidney to produce an effective protein. The Protein which was delivered into our body develops a strong immune system also detects and destroys the infected cells.

Research study

The phase 1 trials were started in earlier June 2020, although at first people were confused about whether to trust this vector-based vaccine, fortunately, phase 1 itself was a success as the candidates were healthy. In fact, it was revealed first shot itself was enough to keep us safe but the second shot is essential to build an important protein.

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Phase 2 was also successful, as usually no complications were noticed in the candidates, and in the following phase of clinical trials, the efficacy of the vaccine is about 91.1% which was stated in the medical journal, The Lancet.

Sputnik v's Delta Variant Efficacy is still UNCERTAIN

Many research studies obtained from various countries Sputnik v did well to protect from the very recent delta variant, unlike Moderna and Covaxin. Gamaleya research center assures that it has given desired positive response not just with the identified variants of U.K, Africa and now for delta variant for almost 97% efficacy.

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