
Task Manager Shortcut Key: How to go to Task Manager in Windows 10?

Got confused about where the task manager is? We have a shortcut key for you: CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Try it! And the screen would pop up automatically on your desktop. There are many ways to open the taskbar including the shortcut key. As we all know, a taskbar is one of the most important programs which is used to provide information about the processes and applications running on our computer. It can also be used to terminate them.

Windows Security Screen 

Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE. Until Windows Vista, it will directly take you to the Task Manager. However, since Windows Vista, it will take you to the Windows Security screen, which contains the option to the Task Manager.

Start Menu or Run Box

You can also browse for Task Manager on the Search Box of Start Menu and hit enter. You can also press Windows + R popping out a run box as the result. Then we can search for “taskmgr” and hit enter. Through this, we can easily access the task manager.

Task Manager Shortcut Key: How to go to Task Manager in Windows 10?

Power User Menu

Press Windows + X which provides you with the Power User Menu. With many other utilities, it also contains a Task Manager option.


If you mostly use a mouse, we got an easy way for you. Just right-click on the open space of the taskbar and you will be able to see an option of “Task Manager”.Task Manager Shortcut Key: How to go to Task Manager in Windows 10?

File Explorer

If out of curiosity or for your knowledge, you wish to know where Task Manager is, then follow this path:



Go to Local Disk C, in Windows, and in the folder of System32, you can easily find the task manager. It is the longest path to find your task manager. It is an executable file with the name “Taskmgr.exe”.


If you need to go to the task manager frequently, then you can even create a shortcut. It can also be done in many ways. 

We can either pinned it at the taskbar. Run the Task Manager using any methods we have covered, on the taskbar right-click on the icon. However, we see many options, select “Pin to Taskbar”. You can easily access it from there.

We can even create a shortcut on the desktop or even in a folder. Right-click any empty space, where you want to create it and then choose New > Shortcut. In the Create Shortcut window, enter the “C://Windows/System32” location in the box and press “Next”. Type a name for the shortcut you created and click “Finish”.

Task Manager Shortcut Key: How to go to Task Manager in Windows 10?

Though there are different methods to open task manager, you should use the one you can easily remember or easy for you to understand. There may be some situations when your keyboard or mouse is not working or other malware problems, it can help you in opening the Task Manager.       

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