
Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser is Out and It’s Exciting

One of the most surprising hots of 2016 was Netflix’s Stranger Things. Created by The Duffer Brothers. They also directed some of the episodes too. The series was admired by everyone, from the audience to the critics.  The series became one of the most profitable series for Netflix. Winning some major awards. The second season and the third season were greenlit by Netflix and they were released in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Both were critically acclaimed and loved by the audience. Their thrust for Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser show did not end there. They wanted more.

Stranger Things Season 4

Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser

So the fourth season of the show was also greenlit by Netflix in the September of 2019. And because of the pandemic, it was delayed for months. But now the wait is over and the show is back. Netflix just released the teaser of the fourth season of the show. It’s almost a 1 min teaser and looks amazing.

Stranger Things Season 4: TEASER

The teaser starts with the shot of the facility, Hawkins National Laboratory (HNL). You guys remember this right. The shot starts with a clock in focus and shifts to a security camera with the ticking voice in the background. After that in the next scene, we see two children in the same clothes eleven was in the first season playing with cars. Few of the next shots emphasize the number of activities these young children, who are also tested, do in the laboratory. Like playing chess, solving problems, and handling complex activities.

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Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser

The next shot is we some other children’s too in the lab, playing with each other and laughing too. Next cut to the shot of corridors of the laboratory which is empty and we saw a man who is walking towards the room the children are kept. This guy is most probably Martin Brenner, remember his from the first movie? He asks the children, how are they. And they replied they are fine papa. This emphasizes the part that this guy has brainwashed them. The camera slowly moves away and is panning to a room quite far from the main room where the other children are kept. The camera focuses on the room with eleven in it. The teaser ends here.

Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser


We do not know the plot, but with this teaser, we can understand that this series will focus on the past of eleven and her struggles in that laboratory. We also know from the teaser released way back in 2019 that Jim Hopper is alive too, somewhere in Russia. Other than that we know nothing of the plot. The release date for the new season is not announced yet. But it will be released in 20222, that’s for sure.

Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser

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