
Caitlyn Jenner Becoming Trump 2.0 if She WINS California Governor Elections

Caitlyn Jenner is all set to run for 2021 California Governor Election. Though she doesn’t have a political experience, but her desire to change the state is becoming her reason to gain popularity. Situations are hinting that, Jenner will be next to Trump is she wins as her party is filled with Trump lovers. Check out the whole story.

Caitlyn Jenner will Compete for California Governor

Caitlyn Jenner, formerly an Olympiad and reality show star, announced earlier this year that she will fight for California Governor position. Caitlyn has started campaigning from April 2021. She posted an official note on Twitter captioning: “I’m in! California is worth fighting for…”

Unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, Caitlyn doesn’t have political exposure. She claims herself to be an ‘outsider’. Experts are suggesting that Jenner can be lifted using the celebrity hype of Hollywood. Jenner’s campaign policy will mostly focus on LGBTQ people’s rights. After coming out as transgender in 2015, Jenner has vocal on this particular issue. However, Jenner’s other strategies are quite vague. Those include cutting taxes, repairing the economy, fighting special interests etc.

Could Caitlyn Jenner Become Trump 2.0 if She WINS California Governor Elections

In an recent interview Jenner said: “California, it’s time to reopen our schools, reopen our businesses, reopen the golden gates. So I don’t care if you’re a Republican, Democrat, I’m running to be governor for all Californians. To reclaim our true identity, to bring back the gold to the Golden State.”

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Jenner on Becoming Trump 2.0

People already know that Jenner was a active supporter of Trump in 2016. But she later opposed it by saying that she did not support Trump’s mentality on Trans people. In 2018 she gave her opinion in The Washington Post: “He (Trump) has made trans people into political pawns as he whips up animus against us in an attempt to energize the most rightwing segment of his party.”

Could Caitlyn Jenner Become Trump 2.0 if She WINS California Governor Elections

But now people are questioning her if she hates Trump so much, then why she had bring Trump’s core team member to become her advisors. Yes, Caitlyn Jenner’s campaign manager is none other than Brad Parscale, a renowned Trump supporter. She can win the Governor position only with the support of Trump Republicans.


In a recent interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity Jenner said few things which sympathies her tendency to become the second Donald Trump. She told: “I’m all for the wall, I would secure the wall. We can’t have a state, we can’t have a country without a secure wall.” Hannity then corrected her that she is ‘pro-legal immigration.”

Could Caitlyn Jenner Become Trump 2.0 if She WINS California Governor Elections

Bill Whalen, speechwriter for former Republican Governor Pete Wilson told to Associated Press that Jenner will have to win Trump supporters 1st. According to Bill: “For a candidate like Caitlyn Jenner to win, it has to be like a layered cake. The bottom layer has to be Trump supporters. He also added: “Where do you go to get Trump supporters? Simple, Sean Hannity.” It won’t be surprising to see Caitlyn transform into Trump to win the republican’s heart.

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