
Sharon Carter Turning Villian and Zemo Turning Hero is The Biggest Falcon and Winter Soldier Twist Nobody is Talking About

The Falcon and the Winter soldier’s final episode released on 23rd April and it has left many things to talk about. As the show title suggests the 2nd show in the marvel universe follows Falcon aka Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) and Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). In case you haven’t watched the show major spoilers ahead.

Sharon Carter, a Villain?:

Sharon Carter, Peggy’s niece was last shown in Captain America: Civil War and was absent later in any marvel movies, making a surprising return in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. She got into trouble for helping them last time and now is seen as laying low in Madripoor. We see her helping Sam, Zemo and Bucky with their mission to search for the super serum and the creator Dr. Nagel.

Sharon Carter Turning Villain and Zemo Turning Hero is The Biggest Falcon and Winter Soldier Twist Nobody is Talking About

Her reveal as the Power Broker wasn’t that great as it was hinted at throughout the show including Sharon getting into the car after Sam and Bucky leave and also counting her supposedly secret phone calls. As Sam promised her, end credit scene shows that she gets the pardon and her old job back, which allows her to access many secret weapons. By the time she is outside the building, she is already on the phone telling someone to line up buyers for the information.

As for how she got to this point is not yet revealed, but the guess is that she build this criminal base during the blip. She has gone rogue and even she has her job and position back, she does not trust the government and is still willing to run her empire as Power Broker. MCU comics had a storyline of her going rogue but it wasn’t long lasted and she returned back. Even if it is a bit similar, it is difficult to assume if Marvel would follow the same.

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Sharon Carter Turning Villian and Zemo Turning Hero is The Biggest Falcon and Winter Soldier Twist Nobody is Talking About

Zemo a hero?:

As Zemo is broken out by Bucky or as Bucky says it ‘he broke out by himself’ to help end the Flag Smashers. Zemo was also last seen in Captain America: Civil War. Zemo is surprisingly seen co-operating with Falcon and winter soldier, helping them out with their investigation and also running to avoid getting caught again.

Lastly, he gets caught by Bucky and is accompanied by Dora Milaje to the Raft but he is doesn’t fight back this time. He already has passed his message to Oezink, his butler. In the finale, we see Oeznik bombing the last few members of Flag Smashers. He has ended the flag smashers while remaining in his prison and also destroyed the serum in an earlier episode.

This may be his redemption, but can he be a hero? He already has done worse things. He has been helpful but this can’t erase his past dealings. As we can see he can break out of his prison quite easily so we may see him again, who knows still helpful or stirring things up again?

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