High School Musical star Zac Efron has found himself trending on the internet after a new clip featuring the actor himself poped up. Fans doubt that the actor was looking different and sparked plastic surgery rumors. The new appearance of the actor has left fans wondering that something is wrong with his face. Efron appeared on Bill Nye’s video special, Earth Day! The Musical, where he reportedly looked different.
Bill Nye released a special video on the occasion of Earth Day 2021, titled Earth Day! The Musical through Facebook Watch. The popular science guy had asked several celebrities to take part in the video to promote the essence of planet care and to encourage people to look after the planet Earth. Among several other celebs, Zac Efron was also featured in the video at around the 1:50 mark of the video.
Fans started to point that there was something different with Efron’s jaw and lips, rather than understanding the aim of the video. Efron’s changed personality created more buzz on the internet than the special encouragement video. Several fans posted the screenshots from the video and wrote that the actor had terrible botox and jaw fillers. Multiple fans on the internet slammed the actor for transforming his jaw.
Some fans even harassed Efron for his suspected plastic surgery
One fan even compared the Baywatch actor to The Weeknd’s face prosthetics featured in the singer’s Save Your Tears music video. Another fan even claimed that the actor looked like the human Shrek from the 2004 movie, Shrek 2. The 17 Again actor also had a slight transformation back in 2020 while he appeared in the Netflix series, Down To Earth. Fans had called the actor Daddy for his huskier transformation in 2020.
The 33-year-old actor is popular for his amazing physique and good looks over the year. This isn’t the first time the actor had done transformation, as he has gone through multiple transformations on his body over the years. Like always, several fans started creating memes for his new looks while some started harassing the actor for his new looks. However, some genuine fans were surprised to see their favorite actor gone through another transformation.
Neither Efron nor his reps confirmed that the actor had gone under the knife, but fans genuinely believe that he had some modifications.