Overwatch, probably one of the most popular and demanding games that we see in the last 4 or 5 years. This game is basically creat a game-changing scenario for the competitive e-sports.
In today’s article, we gonna talk about the hero’s that we use basically in competitive gameplay. Here mainly we talk about those heroes and their role in the gameplay. So, if you are a regular player of this game then go through this article completely. After reading the whole one I hope your gameplay will improve a lot or you know more about this.
There is basically lots of heros so we divide it into 5 tier. From the first to fifth tier, the usage of those heroes becomes less important simultaneously.
Tier 1 heroes
- Wrecking Ball: He is the first hero in our today’s list. Wrecking Ball is basically play the role of a Tank. If you can play in style then definitely use it.
- Zarya: Zarya is also a tank hero. If you use her ability then her damage is boost and then you can use it properly.
- Tracer: Tracer is also an attacker player. She can dominate the field with her lighting fast speed, shooting and quickness.
- Zenyatta: He is basically a support player.
- Mercy: Mercy is another support player which can give a great impact on the game.
So, these are the tier 1 heros. Now let’s talk about tier 2 heros.
Tier 2 Heros
- Reinhardt: He is also a very effective tank player in the game.
- Sigma: Sigma is another tank player which give an extra benefit with his health power.
- Echo: Echo is an attacker player of this game which has amazing potential power.
- Sombra: She is another great attacker player in the game.
- Widowmaker: She is basically an attacker player who snipes very well.
- Ashe: Ashe is another great attacker player.
- Ana: Ana is well known for his supporting role.
- Brigitte: she is also a very great support player in the game.
Baptiste: It is another support player.
Tier 3 heroes
- Roadhog: he is a tank player in the game.
- D.VA: it’s also a tank player in the game.
- Winston: His role is tank player in the game.
- Torbjorn: He is another attacking player.
- Mei: it’s another attacker player which can give a great impact on the game.
- Hanzo: hanzo is another attacker.
- Lucio: Lucio is well known for his supporting role.
Tier 4 heroes
- Soldier 76: it’s another great attacker in the game.
- Orisa: orisa is mainly a tank player in the game.
- Reaper: Reaper is another great attacker hero.
- Junkrat: he is also famous for attacking player.
- Doomfist: Doomfist is a attacker.
- Pharah: She is also a very useful attacker player for beginners.
- Genji: Genji is another great attacker.
Moira: She is well known for her supporting role.
Tier 5 heroes
1. Bastion: it is also a very important attacking hero in the game.
So, these are basically the details of all heroes that can make a great impact on your gameplay. After reading the whole article, I hope you can understand how that hero actually play and how you can use them.
That’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for the latest updates.