
Many U.S. States have Banned Transgender Players From Playing Women’s Sports

Many states propose banning transgender women and girls from participating in women’s sports. This is the opposite of President Joe Biden’s efforts to make LGBTQ2 + inclusion more visible.

Mississippi became the first US state on Thursday to forbid transgender athletes from participating in girl’s or women’s sports teams, this move was criticized as biased by LGBTQ groups and is expected to face judicial challenges.

According to a law tracker operated by Freedom For All Americans, an LGBTQ2 + advocacy group, around 42 similar bills have been introduced in 25 states.

Many U.S. states have banned transgender players from playing women's sports

The governor of Mississippi, Tate Reeves, on Thursday signed off on the law, and South Dakota’s governor has promised to sign off on a similar proposal.

According to the law, sports teams or sports designated for ” females, women or girls “cannot be open to male students.

Trans Activists reactions over the bill

LGBTQ2+ activists say the sports bills are disheartening, and they attack trans competitors’ physical advantages.

National Women’s Law Center spokeswoman Gillian Branstetter said trans women do not always perform better than other female athletes in 16 states with the trans-inclusive school.

Chris Mosier, the triathlete, who is the first transgender man to represent the United States internationally, said the current discussion over bills passed totally hurts the sentiments of all transgender people. He also said, “Telling transgender and non-binary young people that having the same experiences as their companions is not effective or good enough, will not only affect them negatively but also impacts the way the rest of the country treats transgender people.” 

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Why States are taking such steps?

Many U.S. states have banned transgender players from playing women's sports

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which governs inter-college sports, says transgender women must lower their testosterone levels for at least a year before they can compete on women’s teams.

According to a study by the University of Manchester and the Swedish Karolinska Institute, the muscle benefit of transgender women decreases by about 5% after undergoing a year of testosterone-lowering treatment.

This is the reason why many senior Republicans have spoken out against Transgender girls who participate in women’s sports because they have an unfair physical advantage over other competitors.

Stay with Stanford Arts Review for more information.

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