
Zac Efron to Film Second Season of Down to Earth in Australia

Exciting to know about the upcoming season of Down to Earth? Then go through the whole article. Here we come with a lots of news regarding this show.

As we know that, Zac Efron live in Australia from the global pandemic COVID-19 situation and he already said that he have no plan to shift again in United States.

And now he just started working on the season 2 of Down to Earth.

Zac Efron to Film Second Season of Down to Earth in Australia

About the Down to Earth

Down to earth is basically an American documentary series, where Zac Efron work in a lead role. The show released on 10th July, 2020. Till now the production release 8 episode in their first season. The main plot of this show are travel and adventure. Here Zac Efron travel around the world like, London, France, Iceland, Costa Rica etc. By traveling new country he explore their culture, natural beauty, lifestyle, green energy.

So, in one word it’s one of the best show of tour travel and adventure. Now, the good news is there will be a new season of this show coming up very soon.

Zac Efron to Film Second Season of Down to Earth in Australia

About the shooting of season 2

As we all know, Zac Efron is now living in Australia from the last year. And now he just started shooting of his own show Down to Earth in Australia. From this we can guess that, may be the upcoming episode of this show plot on Australia. But in short we can say that it will also gonna be a very interesting one. But till now there will be no such decleration regarding the release of this episode.

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But besides this, it is now quiet sure that, Zac may not return to United States again in recent time. He lives in Australia with his girlfriend. Now Australia may her second home.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for latest updates.

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