
Russia’s First Artic Monitoring Missile. Here’s Everything you Need to know

Russian President Vladimir Putin made the economic development of the Arctic as one of his key goals. The Arctic is the most affected region on earth, as a result of global warming and increasing population.

The region faces problems like melting if ice, ocean acidification, and the temperature rise. All this results in a change in the Arctic’s biodiversity. The temperature rise not only affects the environment but also affects the people living.

All the countries has it’s an eye on the Arctic, as it’s the most resourceful region on earth. It has major oil and gas reserves. The Arctic is also reached in natural minerals. The natural minerals include Zinc Phosphate, iron ore, Copper, Diamonds and Nickel.

Fisheries is the primary resource of the Arctic which is available in large sums. The Arctic is also rich in minerals like rock, stone, gravel and sand, which is used for construction. This is available all-over Arctic and is easily available.

Russia’s First Artic Monitoring Missile. Here’s everything

Monitoring the climate of the Arctic gets important as the resources are over-exploited. Climate change is the primary cause behind all other environmental problems. Climate change not only affects the biodiversity but also the residents of the Arctic. As most of the countries have kept their eye on the Arctic it is very important to protect the region and it’s recourses.

Russia’s First Arctic Monitoring Missile. Here’s everything you need to know.

Russia’s First Artic Monitoring Missile. Here’s everything

The space agency Chief Dmitry Rogozin stated “ The launch was routine”. Further he added “The Arktika hydrometeorological and climate monitoring space system is designed to monitor the climate and environment in the Arctic region.” Same day the launch of the second Missile too was announced by the Russian space agency.

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“The monitoring system requires two satellites in order to operate properly.” The statement came from the Russian space agency. As part of the system, they will launch a second Arctic M Satellite on the year 2023. The report came from the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. The launch was feedback to the last month’s report that came from the scientists. In the report is was said that the ice is getting melted at the rate which is really worst.

The missile after the launch has reached successful to its orbit after it’s launch as confirmed by the Russian space agency. The missile now will monitor the climatic changes in the Arctic. The work will get improved further in 2023 after the launch of the second missile.

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