
Google Puts up a Video Doodle going back to Celebrating Firsts in Women’s History

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on 8 March in different parts of the world. It played a really important role in the movement for women’s rights. It is on this day that womanhood is celebrated and women who have achieved a lot in different fields and on their own merit are appreciated.

Every year on International Women ‘s day The United Nations officially keeps a theme for every particular year. The Women ‘s Day theme for the year 2021 is Women in Leadership Achieving an equal future in a Covid 19 World.

Google Puts up a Video Doodle going back to Celebrating Firsts in Women’s History

How is Google’s Doodle for 2021 Women ‘s day Unique from previous UN Themes

Google is known for being innovative and coming up with a lot of striking and attention-grabbing doddles. The company is popular for making adorable animations related to a trending topic, it celebrates special days in world history through its doodles. So it was pretty obvious that they would play creative and come up with a marvelous theme for International Women’s Day this year and they surely did.

The year for 2021 International Women ‘s day is an animation video that starts with a blue background showing the sky and we can see that there are hands up in the air. Some hands are holding each other while some of them are just in the air.

The doodle was illustrated by Helene Leroux, Google. The Doodle showed the first woman astronaut, from the woman who was first to climb Mount Everest. Last year the world googled for ‘the first woman’ more than the usual time. Google is celebrating the women who have achieved historical firsts, along with those who have achieved and reached after them.

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Google Puts up a Video Doodle going back to Celebrating Firsts in Women’s History

The video Doodle marks a tribute to the female role models by depicting the hands that have opened the doors for many generations of women. While some firsts achieve something absolutely new, others are receiving recognition or are still overdue.

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