
Instagram Live Now Allows Group Streaming Upto Four Users

Instagram has updated a lot of features lately. The social media website added updated messenger. The app added Reels which is now widely popular with Travel Bloggers and Content Creators.

Reels as the Instagram feature has been blowing up on the application. The feature has benefitted content creators, travel and beauty bloggers. It looks like the application has made another new change. And this time it is with the Live Feature in the application.

Live now allows Group Streaming upto four Users

When did this Live Feature come?

Instagram officially announced on 1st March 2021 on Monday. That it now has started officially allowing four people to live stream together in virtual  Live rooms.

The company hopes that Live Rooms will now open up for more creative collaborations. For Content creators when it comes to living broadcast formats to allows for stuff. For Example, live talk shows, expanded Q&A interviews, jam sessions for two different musicians, and live shopping experiences.

How to start a Live Room?

In order to start a Live Room, one will need to swipe left and select the Live camera option. Then give the Room a title, tap the Room icon in order to add guests. Here, you will be able to see a list of people who have already requested to go live with you. Also you will be able to search for other guests to add up.

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When you begin the Live Room, you will be at the top of the screen while the guests are getting added. The guests can be added at one go or individually. Depending on your preference and who do you willingly wish to add up. This allows for opportunities and chances in order to add “surprise guests” to live streams keeping the fans engaged and all stoked.

How many members can be added to Live Room?

The Live Rooms feature now allows four members to engage in real-time live chat. Prior to this change in the feature, one could go live with only one individual in a  live stream.

Live now allows Group Streaming upto four Users

How to share a Live video?

It is pretty simple all you need to do is swipe right from the feed to open the camera. Select “Live” and tap the “Start Live Video” button to start sharing.

How will another Instagrammer know if someone they follow is live?

When someone Instagram creator will start a live video story on Instagram. One can see “Live” under their profile photo in the stories bar.

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