
Petition to Bring Johnny Depp Back in Pirates of The Caribbean is Getting Successful: Details

After the ugly fight between Johnny Depp and The Sun UK, Depp lost many important roles of his career. One of them was Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of The Caribbean franchise. Disney recently kicked him out from the role. But Depp’s fans showed supported from the first. The started a petition to bring back Depp for Jack Sparrow, is nearing its 500,000 target. Let’s see the details here.

Petition Nearing Its Goal

Our beloved Jack Sparrow was unsure to appear in the future Pirates of The Caribbean movie. Fans asked Disney to make at least 1 reboot for the character. When Johnny Depp lost his case against The Sun UK, Warner Brother asked him to step down from Fantastic Beasts. When Johnny left Fantastic Beasts, his fans overwhelmed and the petition crossed 300,000 signatures in November.

Petition to Bring Johnny Depp Back in Pirates of The Caribbean is Getting Successful: Details

Johnny’s character Gellert Grindelward will be reprised by actor Mads Mikkelson. Now the current number is 477,263 signatures. If it really crosses the targets Disney will have reconsider their decision, and do something regarding Depp’s comeback. The petitions moral statement is, Disney must bring Depp back, unless he himself agrees to step down from the role.

Future of Jack Sparrow in Pirates of The Caribbean

It is unlikely to say, Disney will bring Johnny Depp back for Jack Sparrow. Depp is currently facing lot of troubles in his career, many of his co-workers called Depp toxic. His domestic violence case against wife Amber Heard brought him negative promotions in the industry. If he wins the next case against Amber Heard, his reputation will get revived.

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Petition to Bring Johnny Depp Back in Pirates of The Caribbean is Getting Successful: Details

On the contrary, Disney is trying to run the Pirates of Caribbean franchise without Jack Sparrow. The sixth movie will focus on Margot Robbie’s new version of Jack Sparrow. This film will be women lead. It is not officially announced, whether Margot will step into shoes of Depp for real. Johnny’s upcoming projects include Minamata and Puffins.

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