
Here’s The Real Reason Why Andrew Lincoln Won’t Be Returning for The Walking Dead Season 11 and Left the Show

The Walking Dead Season

An American Television series based on a comic book series by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. A post-apocalyptic horror. The AMC studio released the first season on October 31, 2010, which gained a lot of appreciation from the audience. The total of ten seasons have been aired and have attracted a huge number of audience.

Andrew Lincoln is an English actor from London, England. He has performed his foremost roles in The Life (1996-1997), Channel 4 sitcom Teachers (2001-2003), Love Actually (2003) and a TV series Afterlife (2005-2006). Moroever, he did The Walking Dead and received Saturn Award for Best Actor on Television in 2015-2017.

Here's The Real Reason Why Andrew Lincoln Won't Be Returning for The Walking Dead Season 11 and Left the Show

The reason to leave the show

The departure for season 9 of Andrew was a huge piece of news. The fans of Andrew were disappointed and know the series would never be as fun as it was earlier when Andrew was a part of it. However, there was no disgrace or a mystery of Andrew leaving the show as he claimed the reason was his family.

Here's The Real Reason Why Andrew Lincoln Won't Be Returning for The Walking Dead Season 11 and Left the Show

“I have two young children, and I live in a different country, and they become less portable as they get older. It was time for me to come home.” says Andrew at Entertainment weekle’s interview.

Therefore, there was no proper ending of the character Rick and that leads to the killing of the character permanently. The fans weren’t happy about it but it is to be said that the character will return. In the recent interview with Lincoln, he accepts that he did a biggest mistake and wish to rejoin the series. Well, that’s not confirmed yet as the character Rick isn’t expected in Season 11 and Season 12. However, season 10 has been extended there are six new episodes to be released. We can hope to Lincoln in that.
The tenth season will release in 2021 and till then just watch all the seasons.

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