
Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Confirmed for 2021: Release Date & Filming Updates

The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic has affected all the sectors like anything and one of the sectors most affected must be the Show-business. With no films reaching the theatres, it was buzz and fury everywhere.

Scott Gimple, the chief content officer of the Waling Dead has confirmed a spinoff of Season 7 titled Fear the Walking Dead. The project is still in the scripting stages and much is to be done in this regard at AMC.

How the crew feels

It was surprising when in Comic-Con@Home, a virtual at-home version of the convention failed to bring out an official announcement regarding the renewal of the Fear of the Walking Dead for the fifth and sixth seasons. 

The version usually conducted as a mega event was forced to be held over the online platform. The annual Walking Dead takeover at San Diego Comic-Con did officially renew the Fixth and sixth seasons in July 2018 and 2019 though.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Confirmed for 2021: Release Date & Filming Updates

With the production paused for such an indefinite period owing to the Pandemicrestrictions, fans truly ponder the release of Episode 608. The remainder of Season 6 is to return with the second half of its ninth episode in the foreseeable future around 2021.

The brains behind the show

Episode 608 is said to be a groundbreaking episode in the timeline of the series according to the Producer of the project. With Season six still need to be wrapped up and then to start Season seven is quite a task in itself and the brains behind the project, especially the Executive Producer is hoping to get it all together. 

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Gimple has quite a task in hand with writing Season 7 even as the Production of Season 6 is still not done. This is indeed crazy and the timing of the episodes is prone to be interesting as it goes. With Walking Dead about to see how it is gonna turn out and Gimple is planning to make changes regarding the same. 

However, in the case of Fear still stuck in the middle of the Season and Second and Last season of World Beyond just starting and on the rocks, the shooting and script techniques need to have altered at intervals. 

The makers of the show feel that the crew as a family is growing like anything; learning from each other and getting better at their skills while simultaneously figuring it all out how to make out of the buzz successfully and just to make TV as they put it.

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