
Better Call Saul Season 6: Kim Wexler May DIE!!! in the Final Season

Better Call Saul Season 6: Kim Wexler May DIE!!! in the Final Season

With Better Call Saul nearing its final season, fans are filled with questions of all sorts- How will Kim Wexler pay for the choice she made at the end of Season 5? And What has the creators destined for the lover and a kind of legal partner of Jimmy McGill, Kim Wexler in Better Call Saul Season 6? With its supposed storyline to Breaking Bad, what is in store for the viewers?!

The final episode of Better Call Saul Season 5 titled ‘Something Unforgivable’ stayed true to its name with unforgivable things happening for characters. In an unforeseeable circumstance, the villain turned victim Nacho Varga was part of Gus Fring’s conspiracy against Lalo Salamanca but as he escaped now, he would not forgive Nacho (at least not in the foreseeable future). 

Even amid the threat of Lalo, it was a fresh breath of relief for Jimmy Mc Gill and Kim Wexler as they believe Lalo is not alive, and apart from the final episode, Saul Goodman and Kim got their share of unforgivable things. Being the miracle man, Jimmy would find his way out and the concern lies for Kim Wexler in Call Saul Season 6. 

The storyline

In the usual course of things, in the case where there is no appearance for a character, it is taken for granted, we would miss them in the next season! The fact that a character as important to the storyline as Kim Wexler no presence nor a reference in Breaking Bad questions her chance of survival in the series. 

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Better Call Saul Season 6: Kim Wexler May DIE!!! in the Final Season


Presumably, her story will be done with her character in Season 6 but she didn’t enter into the aura of Saul Goodman with complete willingness. Rhea Seehorn’s criminally underrated character was not aware of the consequences but she sensed the danger. It is questionable what exactly pulled her into the world of crime and ruthlessness but either her secret pleasure or love for Jimmy is one definitely among the lot. 

Why Kim Wexler?

The primary reason for her speculated departure from the thrilling series is At the end of Season 5, she had a not so great encounter in a sense even ugly with Lalo Salamanca while trying to save her love, Jimmy Mc Gill, played by the spectacular actor, Bob Odenkirk.

With speculations that the final run will top the epic heights of Breaking Bad, all we can do now is wait and see. The show must go on!

Better Call Saul season 6

Better Call Saul has now had its own stand and justification, up to season 5 we know that two major storylines have been setup one, Kim against Howard Hamlin and two, Lalo Salamanca against everyone. Many Breaking Bad cast will be seen in the upcoming season. Season 6 is going to be amazing and the concluding season of the show.

Many characters whom we have not seen in Breaking Bad are supposedly going to die in this last season. The great thing in the show is how it has dug deeper into the characters and made us feel for them. This show has the potential to outshine even Breaking Bad and maybe it will

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