
Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date: Every Season 1 Plot Hole we Need Fixed in this Season

Snowpiercer returned to Netflix for a second season this week. And fans are no less excited to see what happens next. The post-apocalyptic science fiction drama comes with its own unique plot and background. But it looks like the series has its own share of plot holes, which have become a bit of discussion.

About The Series

Snowpiercer is based on the 2013 action film of the same name which starred Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton. It is also based on the French novel Le Transperceneige, written by Jacques Rob, Benjamin Legrand, and Jean-Marc Rochette. The series is a reboot of the film, and premiered in 2020. The second season premiered on January 25, 2021.

Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date: Every Season 1 Plot Hole We Need Fixes in this Season

The story takes place seven years after the earth has become a giant snowball, turning into a frozen planet. Whatever that remains of humanity now lives in a train Snowpiercer, which runs non stop. It contains about a thousand carriages and travels around the globe completing a ‘circumnavigation’ at least twice a year.

Like a civilization, the train also segregates its inhabitants by class. The inhabitants of the train thus, engage in a struggle for resources and strict hierarchy. Snowpiercer touches the aspects of politics and civilization that come up in the times of injustice.

Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date: Every Season 1 Plot Hole We Need Fixes in this Season

The Things Unaddressed

Season 1 and the first episode of season 2 have a number of things that need to be addressed as the story moves. The first being that the people in the train are living for seven years. Yet, there are times when they do not know each other even when they are in the same class.

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Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date: Every Season 1 Plot Hole We Need Fixes in this Season

Secondly, The train moves through the seas and the tracks do not seem to be affected from the Freeze. Thirdly, There are sharp weapons in the tail but there seems to be no reason why the train has them in the first place. Most importantly at the end, when Wilford connects his engine Big Alice with the train, things seem to be too easy for him.

Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date: Every Season 1 Plot Hole We Need Fixes in this Season

The Season 2 Episode 1 shows Melanie Cavill and Andre Layton face Wilford in person. In a discussion on Reddit, by ironmanmk42; he asked why did they not shut Wilford down. It was just a few buttons away. A number of people also came, supporting his claim. They asked why did they not decouple a few cars and break themselves out. They did it with the first-class but why not with Big Alice?

This, however, was rebutted by some people, suggesting that Wilford probably had more control than it looked. He could have overwritten the software, taking away the access to decouple cars in the first place.

Episode 2 Release Date

Snowpiercer episodes will arrive on Netflix on a weekly basis. This means that the second episode will be out on February 1, 2021. Wilford has now introduced his secret weapon, Icy Bob, which would probably a pain in the neck the entire season.

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