
Amber Heard Lied About Donating $7 Million to Charity, Claims Johnny Depp

The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard legal battle saga has a new development after Depp accused his former wife of lying about donating divorce settlements. The Aquaman actress issued a public statement in 2016 that she will donate her $7 million divorce settlement to a charity. However, according to Depp, she has been lying all this time about the donations and hasn’t done yet.

After the UK High Court of Justice, Andrew Nicol ruled that Depp has lost libel lawsuit against The Sun, he has been seeking to appeal the decision. Depp filed a lawsuit against the Rupert Murdoch-owned British newspaper over a 2018 article that labelled the actor as a wife-beater. Heard testified that the actor was indeed physically abusive towards her during their short marriage,

Judge Nicol believed Heard’s side of the story and ruled that majority of alleged assaults of Heard were substantially true. Among many other topics, Heard’s interest in Depp’s fortune was also debated during the trial. Nicol praised that Amber’s act of donating divorce settlement to a charity isn’t the act of one gold-digger, as claimed by Depp’s legal team. However, the fact remains untrue.

Amber Heard hasn’t paid her promised donation to charity.

Depp and his lawyers had been searching for the real answers regarding Amber’s act of charity. American Civil Liberties Union and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles are the two organization where Heard pledged to donate. However, ACLU refuses to co-operate with Johnny Depp but CHLA revealed that the actress has only made a donation of $100,000 so far.

Heard’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft released a statement after Depp’s claim mentioning that the actress will eventually fulfil her pledge. She further added that there has been a delay because Heard had to spend a hefty sum in order to defend Depp’s false allegations. Now, Bredehoft’s statement contradicts Heard’s claim during November trial that she had made a full donation to charity.

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Bredehoft’s statement certainly reveals that the actress hasn’t made her promised donations yet. Depp’s lawyers also stressed that the divorce settlement took place in 2016 while the actor didn’t file the lawsuit until early 2019. As a result of his libel lawsuit loss against The Sun, Depp had to withdraw from his role as Gellert Grindelwald in the upcoming Fantastic Beasts film.


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