
Thor 4: Matt Damon Will Play Loki, Or A Version Of Him. Read all About It Here!

Today we are going to cover another famous Marvel hero for you – Thor. Thor is the god of thunder and his aura is very powerful. The Avengers movie series has captured the original character of Thor from the Marvel comics very well.

In fact, all the movies of Thor up until now have been a complete hit. Chris Hemsworth is probably the best real-life version of Thor that we will ever get to see. Not to forget that he is also irreplaceable. His performance in the Thor movie series has been so powerful that the actual comic character cannot be imagined without his face and personality coming to our minds while we look at it.

Now, coming to another great component of the cast of Thor- Matt Damon. Matt Damon did an amazing job playing the character of Loki and now, the fans are eager to see what he is going to bring to them in Thor 4.

What Role will Matt Damon be playing in the movie Thor 4?

Considering the amazing performance that Matt Damon portrayed in the previous movie as the role of Loki, we are sure that Damon will not return as some meager character in Thor 4. The fans, seeing how he was in the previous movie, are mostly expecting him to return in the same role.

However, considering that the original Loki (Tom Hiddleston) will be busy with his own series ‘Loki’ which is based on his solo character, the place for the character of Loki is going to be open in the movie Thor 4. This further points to the fact that the best role that Damon might fit in is the role of Loki himself.

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When will Thor 4 Release?

Thor 4 – Love and Thunder are officially planned to be released on the 11th of February, 2022. The confirmed date only makes us Marvel fans more excited for a wait that has a foreseeable end.

Although, which is your favorite character from the Marvel Avengers series? Let us know in the comments below.

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