
WandaVision episode 3: Everything you need to look out for in the upcoming episode

WandaVision began its premiere on Disney+ last Friday, kickstarting the fourth phase of the Marvel Cinematics Universe. The fourth phase, as we know, is a mix of movies and television series. While another series, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier awaits its release right after WandaVision ends, let’s see what the next episode of WandaVision brings with it.

The Story So Far

WandaVision focuses on Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, played by Elizabeth Olsen and Vision, a sentient android played by Paul Bettany. The events occur post the Avengers: Endgame movie. Two episodes are already available for streaming, with more to arrive on a weekly basis.

WandaVision episode 3 Everything you need to look out for in the upcoming episode

The first episode “Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience” shows Wanda and Vision in the 1950s where they try to blend with the people in Westview. Wanda meets her neighbour Agnes and Vision works at Computational Services Inc. where he impresses his peers with his skill. Later, they host a dinner for Vision’s boss Arthur Hart and his wife. Hart chokes while eating, but Vision saves him. The episode ends with someone watching all these events on television.

WandaVision episode 3 Everything you need to look out for in the upcoming episode

The second episode “Don’t Touch That Dial” shows the two in the 1960s now. The two are rehearsing for a magic act, which they would perform in a talent show in the neighborhood. Wanda notices colored elements in their black and white world, like a helicopter and red bloodstain. Vision inadvertently swallows chewing gum, which acts as a wrench in his works during the show, to the point that he reveals himself. But Wanda manages to cover up and fix him.

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WandaVision episode 3 Everything you need to look out for in the upcoming episode

In the end, they return home. Wanda now looks pregnant. However, at a sight of a beekeeper, who emerges from a sewer. Wanda changes reality in panic, turning the world colorful like the 1970s.

What Lies Ahead In Episode 3?

The first episode kept its focus on the seemingly calm lives of Wanda and Vision. The second episode is where things pace up. Strange noises and occurrences distort the reality and the calmness, showing Wanda actually changing it in the end. This strongly hints that the background is actually Wanda’s creation, with the actuality being possibly very different. Plus, we know Vision was no more in the Infinity War movie, so even he could be a part of that.

WandaVision episode 3 Everything you need to look out for in the upcoming episode

The third episode would certainly have the colorful setting of the 70s, with the two bringing up their kids. Since the gears have begun to move in the second episode, it could show more about the beekeeper that showed himself. The helicopter and the beekeeper had a ‘sword’ symbol on them. This could certainly mean that we will be seeing more of S.W.O.R.D. the organization, whom Geraldine actually works for.

There has been no official trailer for the Episode 3 promo, but check this quick roundup of what you can see in the next episode.


Where To Watch WandaVision?

WandaVision is available to watch on Disney+. A new episode will be out every week. The series has 9 episodes in total.

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