
Destiny 3: Bungie is Working On A Destiny 2 Sequel Possibly. Release Date and More

Destiny 3: Bungie is working on a Destiny 2 sequel possibly. Release date and more.

There is not any official news on Destiny 3 currently. Bungie has reportedly announced they will not make part 3 of the Destiny video game. Instead, they are working on releasing sequels to Destiny 2.

Expansion Games

In November 2020, Bungie released the expansion game, Destiny 2: Beyond Light. It was the fifth expansion of Destiny 2. But Bungie will continue with the 6th and 7th installment of the game in the upcoming years. Bungie is in production of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen in 2021 and Destiny 2: Lightfall in 2022 to come.

Destiny 3: Bungie is Working On A Destiny 2 Sequel Possibly. Release Date and More

No Destiny 3 Announcement

Bungie announced that they don’t want to repeat mistakes by making another part of the game. According to Bungie: With Destiny 1, we solved the ever-expanding, exponential complexity problem by making a sequel in Destiny 2. We left behind all of Destiny 1’s content and many of the features players grew to love.”

Destiny 3: Bungie is Working On A Destiny 2 Sequel Possibly. Release Date and More

They also added: “We believe now that it was a mistake to create a situation that fractured the community, reset player’s progress, and set the player’s experience back in ways that took us a full year to recover from and repair. It’s a mistake we don’t want to repeat by making a Destiny 3.”

With the game’s technical explanation, Bungie has introduced DCV i.e. Destiny Content Vault. DCV helps maintenance of content patches and updates with lower game size. DCV will work as a content server too; it’ll store vaulted contents from new sequels to Destiny 1.

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Destiny 3: Bungie is Working On A Destiny 2 Sequel Possibly. Release Date and More

Bungie is now not focusing on making sequels or new versions of the older games. It is still on suspense that if Bungie will reconsider making Destiny 3, when will it be? After splitting from Activision in 2019, Bungie has changed its plans to create a sustainable gaming community.

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