
Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

If you are an Indian, then you must very well known with name of Arnab Goswami. India’s one of the most popular journalist he is.

But in recent, everything is not going well for him and his republic tv. There are a major allegations on republic tv that they manipulate TRP of their channel.

Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

As we know Republic Tv is one of the biggest news channel in india, that’s why the incident shake the whole country. The experts called it TRP scam and as a head, Arnab Goswami was blamed on this incident.

Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

And now a big breaking comes that, twitter exploded the what’s app chat between Arnab and ex BARC CEO Partho Dasgupta.

So, let’s discuss about the whole incident and take a look what happened.

What twitter exploded about their what’s app chat?

Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

So, the breking news is, twitter has exploded with the screenshots of the chat of Arnab and Partho Dasgupta. This what’s app chat actually can disclose many national truths. Some eminent political persons twitted that, it’s the clear cut evidence how he actually abuse his power. Not only this, this chat also revealed how he treated with his other co-journalist. Some also says that it’s the evidence how Godi Media runs on Government’s crutches.

Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

Arnab TRP Scam: Incriminating Whatsapp Chat between Arnab Goswami & ex BARC CEO ex Leaked

That all for today. And stay tuned with us for knowing what happened next. Because it’s very interesting to watch how Arnab Goswami handle the situation. And it’s also noticed that how Partha Dasgupta treated this incident.

We are still Updating and will add all the latest information, Stay Tuned.

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