
Sex and The City Reboot is Happening But Without Kim Cattrall

Good news! Sex and the City is returning for all fangirls and boys out there! The bad news? One of the main characters will be missing in action. The reboot of the series will go on without Samantha who was prime in SATC movies and tv shows. Despite this unfortunate news, it was HBO that officially made a statement. Out of the blue, they reveal a brand new reboot of the HBO show Sex and the city.

We do not have to be too upset, however, because we got Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, and Kristin Davis coming back! Although Samantha’s absence is a bummer, we got Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte. In addition to this, the chick flick will be produced by Michael Patrick King.


The series claims to reveal the complicated lives of the three women in their 50s. The show began as a story of women in their 30s who deal with the complexities of love and life. Now, the show will transition into their lives as their older selves.

The show is set for 10 episodes in total which is each half-an-hour. Production will, of course, be in New York City. We can’t wait to see how the girls grow and change with their lives! It is saddening to see Samantha go away from the show, but we hope the three can make it up to us! Sarah Jessica Parker takes to Instagram to say about Kim, “She will always be part of us. No matter where we are or what we do.”

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Kim apparently never wants to play Samantha again or be part of any future SATC movies. Her response to the request would be a simple “no”. She has moved on from playing Samantha but maybe we’ll see a replacement for her in the show? We sure hope not! No one can play her character any better.

Until the series comes out, we’re hoping to see how the lives of the women turn out, only the show will miss out on a bit of sass.

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