
Latest Eco Remote by Samsung for its Latest TVs: Know all Updates!

Samsung has gone Eco-friendly, by making a solar-charging Eco-remote for its latest television sets.

Solar-Charging Remote

Samsung has taken an agenda to go fully Eco-friendly in 2021. And the company is making its first steps towards the target.

Recently Samsung has launched an Eco-friendly  remote with a little amount of plastic use- 31 grams. The remote’s main specialty is it can be charged through sunlight energy. Yes! It is a solar-powered remote. The Neo QLED TV’S will get these remotes.

Samsung Made a Solar-Charging Eco Remote for its Latest TVs

The remote design is the same as Samsung’s basic remote in recent years. In the back, the remote has a quadratic box panel which contains the solar cells. According to Samsung, the remote can be used with only solar energy for 2 years. Which means for 2 years the remote will work with regular solar charging without any possible disruption.

Internal Battery

As for the internal battery, which is changeable can last up to 7 years. Which covers the average lifespan of tv remotes.

The other mention-able features are- to reduce the plastic pollution, Samsung has claimed that this Eco-friendly remotes has been made only with 28% plastic. And which according to the company came ” from recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate”. The USB-C charging remains in this design too.

Eco-friendly Package

Samsung’s new 4K, 8K QLED TV and MicroLED TV has been titled to promote the company’s Eco-friendly package for 2021. The packaging is also committed to not use oil-based ink and to recycle 200,000 tons of thrown cardboard boxes to create home decor products.

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Samsung Made a Solar-Charging Eco Remote for its Latest TVs

Recently to work on this project,  Samsung has bonded with Dezeen. These two companies have agreed to launch a competition for customers. In that competition, customers will provide their ideas on how recycled waste can be used to make home decor products.

It seems Samsung is kind of being desperate to bring  an eco-friendly revolution through its products in the world of technology.

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