
Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 5 Release Date Delayed to January 10

This sounds good to all the Attack On Titan fans, where Season 4 episode 5 will air on 10th January 2021, after some delay in releasing it.

As Attack On Titan always releases each episode every Sunday which delayed releasing its 5th episode on 3rd January.

Why is there a delay in releasing?

Attack On Titan Episode 5 is set to air on 3rd January 2021, because of new year’s programming as the creators were busy in celebration. Manga fans were looking forward to the 5th episode of AOT during this holiday. And I know this may upset many manga fans after waiting so long to get the fifth episode, so don’t worry the wait is over. 

Attack On Titan Episode 4 recap:

We get to see that the Tybur family is somehow close to the Marley Nation, assuming who might be the Warhammer Titan. To keep the world in peace mode- Willy and Tybur cast a war against the Paradias which follows Eren’s instructions. 

The plan actually set on a festival’s day where Gabi, Reiner, Flaco and other titan join them. 

The episode ends in an enigma as Eren instructs Flaco to hold and bring Reiner to him.

What do we see in the upcoming episode of AOT?

In episode 5 AOT “Declaration of War” will tells about the war planned by Willy and Tybur. Eren captures Falco and Reiner as a hostage and threatens them into a titan and menace the crown if they make any noise. 

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We see Tybur will be dead to mar Eren’s plans on the operation to activate the Attack Titan in Liberio. 


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