
From Heath Ledger to Jack Nicholson: All On-Screen Jokers Ranked

The joker is easily one of the most loved supervillains in the DC universe! I mean, what’s not to love? He is psychotic, manipulative, scary and an overall evil genius. Of course, the man has been through trauma and his origin is simply depressing.

Through the history of DC films, we’ve seen several portrayals of the supervillain. We’ll discuss who played the worst joker all the way to the best. The list is written in order of who played it bad up to who is the best joker. Keep reading to find out!

From Heath Ledger to Jack Nicholson: All On-Screen Jokers Ranked

6. Jared Leto

We’ll start with the least favourite portrayal. Coming in at number 6 is Jared Leto. I remember the time when everyone was excited to see the actor play Joker. However, this role didn’t really cut it.

The depiction was severely poor, tattoos were way off, and the laugh. Oof, do not get me started on that. I love Jared Leto and I do think that he is a talented actor but his portrayal was just way off.

5. Cameron Monaghan

Cameron did a splendid job in Gotham playing Joker. The series itself stayed true to the joker’s origins and showed the joker played by Cameron in the series finale. Though the costume was a little off, we think Cameron with a little work, would kill it.

4. Cesar Romero

Okay, so when Romero played Batman in the 60’s era, it was clearly a goofy portrayal. Fans do still think that Romero played a good job as the joker illustrating the madness and weirdness. It was a bit cartoonish but nonetheless, this was one of the few portrayals we see of the joker.

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3. Jack Nicholson

This is perhaps Nicholson’s greatest roles he ever played! He balanced the joker’s character in the right way giving a spooky, crazy and manic performance! The portrayal helped bring the movie together and honestly, it laid a framework for a new era we experience today.

2. Joaquin Phoenix

Oh boy, Joaquin did NOT disappoint us! As soon as the joker’s trailer was out, we knew that this would be it. Joaquin’s depiction was depressing, pitiful and realistic. I love how the film shows the progression of his madness. Joaquin played such a good job especially following Heath’s performance. Bravo!

1. Heath Ledger

Coming in first in the list is none other than Heath Ledger. Who else could brilliantly replace this man? He revolutionized the joker in the film industry. His portrayal was just too perfect. His performance was truly gripping, disturbing and electrifying. I really doubt anyone can replace Heath but maybe someone will be up against him.

What do you think about the list? Do you agree? Let us know!


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