
Lin Qi Net worth 2020: Life and work

Lin Qu the founder and Chairman of Youzu Interactive Company Limited, born in November 1981. At the time of death, he was 39 years old- born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang in China.

Lin Qu did his graduation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He commenced his career in 2009, he founded a Company-YOOZOO Games. The company is based on a video game developer and publisher of browser and mobile games. The company progressed overseas in 2014 and Lin Qu became the top shareholder. 

Lin Qu’s Career: Net Worth 

Lin Qu is a Chinese entrepreneur of Youzu Interactive, later in 2014- Lin Qu owning a maximum number of shares of around 100 million in Youzu. His Net Worth is estimated at around 770 Million Dollars- being a preference shareholder in the company.

Later in 2020, he was reported to have collaborated with Chinese author- Liu Cixin for the series “The Three-Body Problem”. 

The novel of LiuCixin obtaining the best-selling Global Phenomenon with high profile contribution towards Chinese culture. The Three-Body Problem is the first Asian novel to win a Hugo Award in 2015, so to celebrate the honor, Lin Qu planned to make the project into a series in upcoming years on Netflix. 

Lin Qu was assigned as a producer for The Three-Body problem and Game of thrones creation on Netflix. Even Netflix approved Lin Qu’s Project for English language adaptation from Yoozoo Group.

Any Conspiracy behind Lin Qu’s Death?

On December 16, Lin Qu was taken to Hospital for being poisoned. As per the reports, police are suspecting Lin u’s co-worker Xu. On 25 December 2020, the hospital announced Lin Qu’s death after invalid treatment. The reason or conspiracy behind Lin Qu’s death is unknown and an enigma to the police. Shanghai Police got the suspect but still, the reason behind poisoning Lin Qu is not yet out.

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