
Fatal Fury Launched on Nintendo Switch: Everything You Want to Know is Right Here!

The 1999 released game Neo Geo fighter fatal fury has now launched on Nintendo Switch  eShop. Here are the details.

All about the game- Fatal fury

fatal fury launched on Nintendo Switch: Everything you want to know

The game neo geo pocket color was originated back in 1999 and was developed by Yumekobo. fatal fury first contact is basically a fighting game that is based and affected from the game, real bout fatal fury 2 which was released in 1989  and is an updated version of neo geo pocket color.

It has a great cast of characters and there are many other series of the game too but recently fatal fury first contact has been recently launched on Nintendo switch so we are going to talk about it.

There are 3 main lead of the game followed by 1 female lead whose name are Terry Bogard,  Andy bogard , Joe Higashi and Mai shinai.  also there are some other characters who come occasionally. we can say that it is one of the most played and interesting game of that time( 90’s). Also, user always can take a very distinctive experience from the game .

Available on Nintendo switch

fatal fury launched on Nintendo Switch: Everything you want to know

The game fatal fury – first contact is now available on Nintendo Switch and it is the fifth game available on Nintendo switch after SNK Gals fighters, king of fighters  R-2, samurai Shodown 2 and the last blade – beyond the destiny. the game is available for $7.99 so users can have a  and a great experience for the same once again.

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we can say that it is a surprise for the user who love the game. the news was announced by SNK Corporation. it did a great comeback this time as the game was very much famous in 90’s but not so famous after that.

Trailer of Fatal fury – first contact

The trailer of fatal fury first contact is shown below in the video.

In the switch version of the game game , people can play the game and flaunt the pass at the brink of death also it is somehow different from the previous games and versions of SNK  classics. So it will be a lot more fun for the people  to play the game as a switch version.

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