
Where is Xur? What is Xur Selling This Week, Xur Location, Weapons, Collectibles, Exotics Items, and More [18.12.2020]

The time is 12 PM EST, 18 December 2020, Friday and surely Destiny 2 fans have been looking forward to this day. Like every Friday, fan-favourite vendor, Xur has returned to the game with various exotic items. Xur previously appeared near the Tower behind Dead Orbit and brought several cool items. However, you need to have enough Legendary Shards to make the exchange with Xur. Gauntlets, helmets, armours, rifles, grenades, and other weapons are the exotic items brought by the agent of Nine.

Where is Xur?

You can expect the appearance of Xur in any of the four worlds within Destiny 2. Xur repeats his location after a few weeks but never appears at the same location in two consecutive weeks. Since he appeared near the Tower last week, you can expect he wouldn’t appear there. This week, Xur appeared at the EDZ in Winding Cove. Xur previously appeared at the same place two weeks ago before his appearance at the Tower.

What is Xur selling this week?

Every Destiny 2 players love the items brought by the vendor. Even though these items are easily available while playing the game, players still prefer to exchange from him. Most of the items are wither random drops across the map or rewards for completing any missions or daily challenges. Last week, Xur didn’t bring any guns or grenade launchers. Trinity Ghoul, a special kind of exotic bow, and three exotic armours were available last week. The items that the vendor has this Friday are:

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Jade Rabbit – Exotic Scout

Foetracer – Exotic Hunter Helm

Severance Enclosure – Exotic Titan Chest Armor

Felwinter’s Helm – Exotic Warlock Helm

How to get Legendary Shards?

Legendary Shards are basically purple-coloured crystals made from the powerful items. Xur used to accept Strange Coins in Destiny, but the developers changed to Legendary Shards in Destiny 2. After dismantling the Legendary gears, you can collect enough Legendary Shards to exchange exotic items with Xur. You can also decrypt the Engrams after you level up your rank. If you are near the Lost Sector, then you can loot the area and collect these Shards.


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