
Battlefield 6 Release Date, Gameplay, PS5 & Xbox Series X Updates: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

Battlefield 6 may be scheduled to release next year, but it looks like DICE can’t stop themselves from teasing this game. Battlefield 6 is the next-gen sequel to a long-running first-person shooter series.

Below, are all the details that are available currently about this game.

Release Date

Battlefield 6 is releasing next year for sure. But, during which month, that we don’t know. Seeing past trends of DICE games, it would be fair to assume that the game should release in the latter half, closer to the holiday season.

Battlefield 6 will be available to play on next-gen consoles

EA had stated that Battlefield 6 will be developed keeping the new-gen consoles in mind. Part of the reason why we believe that the battlefield will release in the latter half of 2021, is also because EA had said that they didn’t want to release Battlefield in a time when the new console base is very small.

However, what’s not clear is whether Battlefield 6 will be available on current-gen consoles or not. Reading EA’s statements it seems like they are making this game keeping new consoles in mind. And maybe they might want to skip cross-gen release entirely.


Currently, there isn’t any news available regarding the gameplay. And that’s not a surprise at all. Considering, the fact that the game will release next year, we can be pretty sure that we won’t hear anything about this game until next year. And DICE also tends to start a marketing campaign for its games just months before the launch. So, don’t expect any news regarding the gameplay until next year.

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However, as fans, we can guess what the game will look like. And one of the most popular assumptions is that the game would be set in the present day. Given the huge popularity of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, this does look possible.

Anyway, it’s good to see this franchise up and running. Battlefield 5 failed to be a huge success. And we sincerely hope that DICE manages to give us a great Battlefield game this time.

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