
United States Presidential Debate; 5 Questions Which Make Sure Trump And Biden Prepare For The Final Debate

It is no secret that the two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are rivals. Donald Trump is the current President of America. Whereas, Joe Biden, his rival is the democratic rival. They are about to come face to face for the second and final time this Thursday. This Thursday night, they will face each other in a debate in Tennessee. However, the 90-minute Prime time meeting comes just 12 days before the elections. Just like our title mentioned, there are a few key questions going into the debate.

Key Questions Going Into The Debate

These questions that both the parties will be expected to answer

Q1. Can Trump change the trajectory of the race?

Ans: The current President Donal Trump cannot afford a status quo debate. This is because according to the national polls, Trump will be losing to Biden. However, some battleground states do state that Trump is winning though they’re tight. Some of his (Trump’s) allies are worrying aloud. They are worrying aloud about the prospect of a serious defeat. This debate is supposed to be his best, and probably his last. This is his last opportunity to change the contours of the race. He will have to do this while tens of millions of American’s are watching.

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On the other hand, President Donald Trump fumbled his chance. This was his one and only chance at the opening debate. This was when his attack-all-the-time approach backfired. The second opportunity he missed was when he missed the second debate.

Q2. Will the mute button keep things civil?

Ans: Another public information is that the mute button has a lot of power. It also has been receiving a lot of attention. However, its impact may be overstated. After Trump’s relentless interruptions, the Commission on Presidential debates has made a new rule. This rule states that both the candidate will keep themselves on mute, while the other presents his two-minute remarks. These remarks will be at the outset of each of six debate topics. However, the remainder of each 15-minute blocks will be opening the discussion. This will happen without any muting. This was said by the commission.

This change was in order to ensure that both the candidates will have some time to answer the questions without any interference. However, the mute button can only be used for a total of 24 minutes. This is for a 90-minute debate. Therefore, there is plenty of time for candidates to mix it.

Q3. Does Trump have a better answer for the pandemic?

Regardless of what President Trump wants, he is obliged to talk about the pandemic at length. However, he will have to come up with a better answer compared to last time. However, this time it will not be easy.

Q4. How will Biden handle attacks against his son?

In recent days, Trump and his supporters in the conservative media have increased their attention on alleged maleficence by Biden’s son, Hunter. The team of Biden wants Trump to make those claims a cornerstone of his plan for discussion. President Trump tried to make an issue out of Hunter’s addiction. However, it backfired when Biden said he was proud of his son, who unlike many Americans fought to overcome addiction.

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Q5. Can Biden avoid playing into the GOP narrative?

There is no doubt the Biden will be prepared. He has spent the last five days with absolutely no public appearance. This was so he could be able to focus on the upcoming event. However, Biden has a history of self-imposed stumbles raises doubts. It raises the distinct possibility that he could hurt his own campaign. With or without Trump’s help.

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