
Minimal Chance of Extendng Nuclear Pact Between Russia and USA

Russia has made it clear that there is very little scope for the extension of the nuclear treaty. 


Russia may not sign the extension for a nuclear pact between the US and Russia. This comes as Russia says there a minimal chance of a pact. te reasons are given behind this range from a lot of places. The new START treaty was signed in 2010.


Why is Russia Objecting to it?

Nuclear pacts between Russia (earlier with USSR) and US have been on for a long time. these include START1  and START2 and many others. There has been a rich history between the two in this aspect. Both sides have been dedicated to ensuring a safer world environment. However, this time around Russia doesn’t seem to be too happy about the extension of the nuclear pact. The reason stated is as follows. Russia has not accepted the extension as it does not accept conditions set forth by Sergei Ryabkov. Sergei Ryambkov is Washington, Deputy Foreign Minister. He was quoted saying this on Monday. Secondly, Ryambkov said that conditions set forth ere like an ultimatum. Hence this led to any coming of any conclusion very tough. He was quoted saying. “We cannot talk in this manner.


What the US Says


Billingslea told Kommersant, that if President Trump wins the elections then the price for admission will go up. The current deal might have to be modified and certain stronger changes will be ensured. According to the US Russia should accept the demands as laid down by them.

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The START treaty limits the number of strategic nuclear warheads the US and Russia can deploy. In these troubling times, an extension of the nuclear deal would look great. The project would ensure greater international safety and international cooperation. this would have also shown the commitment of both states towards maintaining international peace and security.

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