

Ghost is the fictional identity that comes from the Call of Duty Franchise. It is one of the most iconic characters in the game industry whose face is still a mystery right now. For years, this character has been concealing its identity under a skull mask to keep the players engaged.

The ghost from Call of Duty always used to cover his face with a mask. Due to the skull look this mysterious creature has become the fan favorite. The Ghost’s face is never revealed by the Officials but that does not mean that you will not be able to see his actual face.

Dataminers finally be able to discover that there is actually a face under Ghost’s mask. If you ever wondered what Call of Duty Ghost looks like without a mask, you arrived at the most appropriate post. This post will be going to reveal the face of the person hiding underneath the make after so long.

Who is Ghost in Call of Duty?

Ghost is the most iconic character of the Call of Duty franchise that first emerged in the year 2009. His real name is Simon Riley. It is the most exciting and mysterious character in the game that makes the game most exciting for all. Simon Riley’s death in the year 2009 was heartbreaking for all.

There was a dialogue in the game where Soap jokes that Ghost’s face is the reason he wears a mask. He was to say that he looked really ugly. However, Ghost replies quite the opposite with many players agreeing with him.

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Fortunately, Ghost reappeared in the game version of the year 2022. This time, he becomes sharper, tougher, and even more secretive.

Throughout the Call of Duty universe, Ghost’s Voice actors are- Craig Fairbrass, Andrew Randall, Jeff Leach, and Samuel Roukin.

Ghost Face Reveal – What does it actually look like?

Call of Duty Ghost first appeared in Modern Warfare 2 releases in 2009. After this fans really excited to know the real identity of this character. In 2019, Smiley Ghost was reintroduced to the game.

Fans have been waiting for an epic Call of Duty Ghost Face reveal for a decade. Fortunately, the face of the Ghost almost arrives in one scene all of a sudden, and the query about “Who is Simon Riley” is finally answered.

Recently, in a short scene in the year 2022, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 showed the closest Ghost face that we had ever seen before and it lasted a few seconds.

Dataminers finally break deep into Modern Warfare 2 files to obtain the image of Ghost’s real face. According to the leaked image, the Ghost is a Caucasian man with faint reddish paint around his eyes.

COD Ghost Face Reveal

In this image, the ghost looks to be an honest and legitimate person. He does not look like a ghost from anywhere. Even, though he looks like a regular baby face-like man. However, this image is not confirmed by Infinity Ward or Activision directly.

Interestingly, when the image appeared, the fans at one glance recognized the Ghost’s real face as the mirror image of the face of his voice actor Samuel Roukin.

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Some fans speculated that the Ghost face will be unmasked officially in the future Call of Duty game. Since the Ghost’s face has become the symbol of the Call of Duty franchise, it seems that Infinity Ward will never unmask him until the game is running.

Unknown Facts About Ghost

  • Ghost was born in Manchester, England. His real age is not known at the time of writing. However, he was an Apprentice until the September 11 Attacks and then he joined the Military.
  • Since the September 11 attacks in the year 2001, we can assume that he might be 16 to 18 years old at that time. So his age could be 39 to 41 years old at the time of writing.
  • Simon Riley’s height is estimated to be 6 feet and 2 inches tall.
  • In the sequels of the Call of Duty game, he has become the part of SpecGru fraction. To play this character, you need to purchase the Vault’s Edition Red Team 141 pack.
  • There is a great possibility that Ghost’s actual face appears to be modeled after Samuel Roukin who provided voice and motion captured for the character in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

That’s everything about Call of Duty Ghost Face Reveal. Thanks for reading!!


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