
A YouTuber crashes car to test iPhone 14’s Crash Detection feature; you will be surprised to know the results

Apple launched the newest iPhone 14 Pro model and Apple Watch Series 8. These are equipped with several key upgrades designed to improve the devices’ security and functionality. The brand-new Crash Detection feature tests it. It will immediately contact the local emergency services when it determines that a user has been involved in a collision.

However, YouTubers exercised their creative freedom and tried out the new feature. The Crash Detection feature on the brand-new iPhone 14 Pro performed faultlessly, much to our surprise. Continue scrolling down the page to get further information regarding the topic.

The Crash Detection Feature on the iPhone 14 Pro is Reliable.

Does iPhone 14 Car Crash Detection really work? [Video]

TechRax is responsible for uploading the Crash Detection Test video on YouTube today. It took them several attempts to successfully crash the vehicle into the objective. It took them several attempts to successfully crash the vehicle into the objective. Everything had been set up to operate wirelessly as there was no driver in the car and that. iPhone 14 Pro was fastened to the driver’s seat’s headrest before repeatedly slammed into the still-moving vehicle.

The test included several dangerously close calls. The YouTuber erected a barricade of deteriorating vehicles to ensure the car would crash. Ultimately, the driver successfully crashed the automobile into a pile of wrecked cars. After assessing the vehicle, it seemed there was a momentary lag before the Crash Detection feature on the iPhone 14 Pro.

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There was a countdown to an emergency accompanied by a siren, but the crew could stop it before they dialed 911 to contact the emergency services. Moreover, You may learn more about it by watching the embedded video below.

How did it took place?

iPhone 14: this is how accident detection works | Digital Trends Spanish |  Money Training Club

Additionally, The car managed to pick up more speed during the subsequent try, but it still managed to crash into the wall of parked cars, seriously damaging its hood. iPhone 14 Pro Crash Detection feature was activated despite it

This demonstrates that this quality can be relied upon in an emergency situation and should be enabled at all times. The test is just as accurate as it would be in events that occur in the real world. From this point forward, customers of the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and Apple Watch Series 8 should have the peace of mind that the feature functions dependably.

Folks, this brings us to the conclusion of our discussion.

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