
Actor and climate activist, Jane Fonda battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Jane Fonda is an actress and activist. She shared her diagnosis of non-lymphoma and Hodgkin’s on Instagram on September 3, 2022. Additionally, she calls it “a highly manageable illness.”

Fonda’s Statement Regarding her Diagnosis

Jane Fonda announces she has been diagnosed with cancer and is receiving chemotherapy | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV | Express.co.uk

Fonda states a written statement about her diagnosis. She said, ” She has had chemo for six months and handles the treatments reasonably well. She assures you that this will not stop her from advocating for climate change. Moreover, she is paying attention to cancer’s lessons for her to learn because she is a teacher.

For instance, it has already taught her the importance of community. We foster a more profound sense of community to ensure we are not alone. The significance of adjusting to a new reality is something that the disease and her age, nearly 85 years old, clearly teach. ”

Details About Hodgkin’s Cancer

A Clinic stated about Hodgkin’s cancer. The lymphatic system is where non-lymphoma Hodgkin’s cancer arises. Moreover, it fights infection as a part of the body’s immune system.

Briefly, white blood cells called lymphocytes can form tumors (growths) anywhere throughout the body. So, it is when non-lymphoma Hodgkin’s is present.

Highlights of Fonda Statement

In her statement on September 2022, Fonda emphasized that 80% of patients with this cancer survive. Fonda added that the best medical professionals and treatments are available to her. Therefore, she is also fortunate. She is conscious of her privilege, and it stings.

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Nearly every family in America has dealt with cancer at some point. And it is wrong that far too many do not have access to the high-quality medical care she receives.

Additionally, discuss more causes than just treatments to eliminate them. For instance, people need to be aware that fossil fuels cause cancer. Likewise, insecticides, many of which are derived from fossil fuels.

Establishment of Political Group by Fonda

Fonda established a political action group in March 2022. Alternatively, it is to oppose politicians with ties to Big Oil. Consequently, this PAC was launched to address the issues with fossil fuels.

Video Statement by Fonda

Fonda made a video statement Fonda made in March. Initially, her primary objective in the fight against fossil fuels. Hence, it is to “do what it takes to defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel business.”

Moreover, she gave a diagnosis statement. Fonda writes, “The midterms are looming, and they are beyond critical, so you can count on her to be right there with you as we increase our army of climate champions.”

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