
GTA VI Is On The Hunt To Make Its Entry

“With the unprecedented longevity of GTA V, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered–and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway.” Says Rockstar games.

GTA: Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto has it all: sex, violence, and drugs. This role-playing game franchise, which spans more than a dozen titles, is one of the most divisive — and popular — on the market.

Its stories are set in a criminal underworld (such as the mafia), with players taking on the role of gang members who must commit heinous acts to advance through the ranks. Because these acts are conducted ruthlessly without guilt or consequences, Common Sense Media advises that GTA be played solely by adults.


PlayStation 3, Windows, and Xbox 360 are the platforms available (2013). Grand Theft Auto V is a fantastic game in terms of both technology and design. However, because of the game’s serious themes (players murder not only fellow gangsters but also police officers and innocent bystanders), it is only suitable for those who have a thorough understanding of dark fantasy.

GTA San Andreas

iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire are all supported devices (2013)
This version is a faithful reproduction of the console smash hit of the same name however, some content and features have been removed. However, it is still quite brutal. Players engage in criminal activity, shooting cops (as well as civilians and drug traffickers), drinking and driving, and having sex with prostitutes.

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Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android (2012)

This mobile version of the console hit is slightly less expansive but just as violent as the original. The game glamorizes the drug trade and is loaded with violence, sex, and obscenities. For adults, it’s a very well-made action game that deserves the praise it has received for being “interactive cinema.”


Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android (2011)
The original GTA III makes a smooth transition to the iOS world — although little has changed beyond the control scheme. You’re still shooting indiscriminately and behaving lawlessly. Even the songs on the radio are filled with expletives.

GTA VI: All Details 

The next Grand Theft Auto game is currently under development, according to Rockstar Games. It’s also not just getting started, as Rockstar stated in a blog post that the new project is already “well underway.” It’s unclear whether the upcoming game will be called GTA 6 or something else.

The studio did not release any details about the new game, which is supposed to feature a dynamic landscape similar to Fortnite. As with other of the company’s biggest blockbusters, such as Red Dead Redemption II, the next game is likely to be developed by numerous Rockstar studios and released in 2023

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