
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Spoilers

The First DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS trailer has been released. The trailer came as the final post-credit scene for spider-man: No way home. Let me know more about it in detail.


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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Details

No Way Home is a multiverse story where Doctor Strange has a very prominent role, so the inclusion of a teaser made more sense. Marvel before waited for several days to drop the first trailer on YouTube.

The information was already out that the clips seem to confirm some of the multiverses of madness spoiler leaks we saw in the recent months. It provides details that match the various Doctor Strange 2 plot leaks which were leaked in the month of December.

But it turns out that the First Multiverse of Madness trailer might confirm a big spoiler in the best possible way. That secret is still hidden in plain sight, Which makes it difficult to spot.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: leaks

Doctor Strange 2 will be an even more exacting multiverse movie than NO WAY HOME and that is totally understandable. This Multiverse is a major MCU phase 4 theme. Unlike Spider-man 3, Marvel controls Multiverse of Madness, so it’s in complete control of the plot and the story also the characters.

But the Fans of MCU spoiler reports have already a big problem with Multiverse of Madness. Marvel reportedly needed extensive Doctor Strange 2 reshoots to fix the overall story and add many cameos. All that happened towards the end of 2021, As soon as the movie’s release was delayed until May 6.

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That means any Multiverse of Madness spoiler that preceded the reshoots might not match the ones that hit the web in recent times. Even so, there are plenty of common elements in these Multiverse of Madness plot leaks and the overall story is the same.

Wanda [Elizabeth olsen] will be either the big villain or Multiverse of Madness or one of the main antagonists. She might also be seen redeeming herself by the end of the movie, But she will fight strange and co. That’s an important thing to consider when it comes to a potential spoiler in the first Multiverse of Madness.

Rumors are around that says several Loki characters will cameo in Doctor Strange 2. The list includes Loki [Tom Hiddleston], Slyvie [ Sophia Di Martino], and Mobius [Owen Wilson]. It makes sense that some version of the TVA shows up as Strange travels the metaverse to save America Chavez from Wanda and if that is the case then we will see those TVA doors pop up here or there.

However, We cannot expect a direct connection from Loki.

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